The Dragon: Computer Animation Models 2018-03-04T02:44:18+00:00

Project Description

The Dragon: Computer Animation Models


The Dragon: Computer Animation Models
The Dragon: Computer Animation Models

4-D Animation Program, Amiga Computer

Contemporary Sculptures

Computer animations were made with the intention of the making of a large steel public sculpture of a minimalistic dragon. Four views are shown here. Not shown are the pencil sketches, small paper models, 0.5 to 1 scale model of clear sheet plastic, chicken wire, steel hoops and lights or the one to one scale model in cardboard (incised at 1″ intervals, approximately 2,000 4′ cuts, for a uniform bend.) It served as a template for cutting the steel of the actual sculpture.

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Gallery 1
Gallery 2
Gallery 3
Gallery 4
Gallery 5
Gallery 6
Gallery 7
Gallery 8
Gallery 9
Gallery 10